
Creating a Powerful Business

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Creating A Powerful Business

If you are like most people, you might have an idea or two about a new business, but wonder what you can actually do to make the wheels start turning. I began focusing more carefully on business a few years ago, and it was really interesting to see the difference that we were able to make. Within a few short months, we were able to completely overhaul our company, and it really helped to make it more powerful in the long run. I wanted to start this blog to help other people to create incredible businesses that can help the world.

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Reasons Companies Should Use Automated Reference Checking Platforms

When your company looks to hire new employees, assessing each candidate's references is a good way to screen them. You can simplify this process by using automated reference checking platforms, which offer several key things.

More Convenient Process

Calling every single reference that each candidate puts down on their resume is going to be a time-consuming task. It may actually prove to be impossible, especially if you have tight deadlines for when new employees need to be hired. In this case, automated reference checking solutions might be appropriate.

Instead of direct calling, your company will just send out questionnaires in mass emails to candidates that applied to an open position. They can then forward the questionnaires to their references, who will fill them out as soon as they can. Their feedback will then automatically show up on a dedicated platform. This is a much more efficient way of checking references.

Objective Feedback

If your company tried to call each reference over the phone to find out more about a particular candidate, the references would probably be mostly positive. That's not always a bad thing, but it may obstruct your view in terms of how a candidate will operate when working for your company.

Whereas if you use an automated reference checking platform, objective surveys will automatically be sent out to candidates who can then get their references to fill them out. The surveys will ask questions in a black and white manner, and references will be able to answer them honestly. That gives you a better look at each candidate's skills and abilities. 

Less Awkward for Human Resources

Your human resource department will be in charge of hiring new employees. If you want to make their job easier in terms of reaching out to references, then you might just want to use an automated reference checking platform. It would also save them any awkwardness that they might experience on the phone when asking references about candidate information. 

Human resources can instead just deal with questionnaires that references send back to the automated platform. There won't be any contact whatsoever with the references, which is going to help your company streamline this entire process. 

If you want to make reviewing different references for job candidates much more user-friendly, then invest in automated solutions. They will not only speed up the entire process but will help you make better hiring decisions in the end. 

If you think that automated reference checking would be a good fit for you, check out the available platforms.